Hi everyone! I want to jump right into today's blog post because I think it is such an amazing way to build up your preschool or homeschool library!
The Mother Goose Time Curriculum program I use comes with books that are great for the kids and an amazing way to begin building your library. This week I wanted to review one of my favorites to start off with..."Fox and the Last Piece of Pie." This book has a great message about FAIRNESS that really resonated with my kids in class. I made a video on this book you can check it out HERE. So this book starts out describing the Fox who has taken all the apples off the tree to make a pie, but some other animals want the apples but find they are all gone...so what do you do? This is a cute story about sharing and being fair when there is only one slice left. The pictures in the book are large and act as a great way for the kids to "picture walk" through the book on their own. I like to have the Mother Goose Time books set out during our individual library time because of how easily the kids can reinforce the story for themselves through these great pictures. Do you have a collection of the Mother Goose Time books? I would love to hear how you utilize them in your classroom. Comment below and we can share ideas. Get started on your collection by visiting www.MotherGooseTime.com and ordering your box today. And remember.... Live Long and Keep Teaching! Ms. Tessie Mother Goose Time Book Review - Fox and the Last Piece of Pie |
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