Our last weekly theme of Mother Goose Time for the month of July is about exploring the dirt. This has been particularly interesting since I woke up to our bell peppers being eaten by Tomato Horn Worms. By eaten I mean it was totally demolished. I feel super sad for the children because they have been working so hard on making sure that they take care of the plants and room the pine needles from the tree that fall into the garden area. It also became a good way to show to talk to them about natural gardening and come up with solutions together of how to combat bugs that may eat our plants. We have decided to get some more lady bugs and release them into the garden.
For now I had my two preteen boys remove the tomato horn worms from the bell pepper plants and we will be seeing if they can be brought back through careful care. I wanted to remove them, but after thinking about it I discovered that it would be a good lesson in hard work and that it still falls into the realm of exploring dirt with the classroom. We will also be letting our worms go into the garden today. I am very excited and will probably come back and add pictures of us putting them into our garden. The worm viewer has been a fun addition to the classroom and I am super glad that I was able to use this idea from the #CAEYC conference. It fit in awesome with the theme of nature that Mother Goose Time has had for the summer and it was the perfect end to the summer months. My yard has been dug up, gardens have been planted and bugs have been discovered. This is what summer for small children should be about. Learning is messy and nothing proved that more than exploring the dirt and it's contents with preschool children. Until next time! Live long and Keep Teaching! Ms. Tessie |
HoursM-F: 9am-300pm
Telephone661 390 0657