We learned about Gravity!!!! We had fun! Especially, since we did everything hands on as a way to explain it! First thing we did was come up with a motto to explain why gravity was important to us. Our motto was GRAVITY PULLS US DOWN!!! We chanted it, yelled it and said it randomly during the day. Hopefully they will remember this long after pre-k. One of the games that came with Mother Goose Time had to do with an apple falling from a tree. The children had the throw a pop pop and try and land on the apple. We took turns trying and cheering on our friends and reminding each other that GRAVITY PULLS US DOWN!! I loved it because we were able to figure out this complex concept just by playing a hands on game. pull. Another concept that was hard for children to grasp until we did a hands on activity was force! The children needed to do something so they could understand what I was talking about. So I took out some natural blocks I got from Michaels, and I had them push and pull the blocks from across the floor. We laughed and giggled while making muscles and showing off how strong we were as we used our FORCE to move the wooden blocks. I think we really had a lot of fun learning about science concepts with hands on activities that caused us to laugh and enjoy ourselves. Remember Learning is fun and Messy! Also.... Live Long and Keep Teaching! -Ms. Tessie |
HoursM-F: 9am-300pm
Telephone661 390 0657