The month of June was very crazy for me. Being a business owner means I am doing several jobs. But I am only one person. This means that sometimes I fall behind when I am trying to keep up! I wanted to make sure I got the recap in for the month of June though.
The month of June was all about learning about the different types of homes we live in as people and at the end of the month we learned about where animals live in the wild. This type of theme is great in it's overall simplicity. The children are learning about the differences in their families,friends and they are learning about similarities. This is great for children. We spend so much time as children get older telling them all the things that are the same within people, so that they can understand how to respect others, that we forget that teaching them what is different in others will also show them how to respect others. The Alphabet House theme from Mother Goose Time shows children that differences are just as important as similarities. One of my favorite projects from the month was making the spider web. I tried to give them a chance to make their own designs with the hole punch. But it was very hard for them to use the tool. It was still pretty awesome watching them weave their own webs and they enjoyed making their own hand print spiders. While doing that, we discussed the different types of spiders, why they created their homes and what they did with their homes. This led to a discussion about why we do not like spiders, why maybe we should try and understand spiders better and how they help us. It was a very productive large group time. I was also able to show them how to build a house from a documentary geared toward children from Amazon Prime. We ended up using different types of materials to build a house in doors with blocks and outdoors with nature items. During the last part of the month we learned about Beaver dams and how they are built. We also learned that beavers are not as friendly as they look. They were quite shocked to find out that they were predators! Overall, I will say that the theme for the month was a success and I am looking forward to this month's Nature Detective theme. I am in the process of incorporating many elements of Waldorf into my classroom and this is the perfect theme for introducing the new elements. Remember, Live Long and Keep Teaching! |
HoursM-F: 9am-300pm
Telephone661 390 0657