Science with preschoolers is pretty awesome. You can do smelly gross science experiments and they LOVE it. Well almost all preschoolers love smelly gross science experiments. There are some children with deep sensory issues so if you have children in your class who do not like messy projects that is ok, This project only fulfills the smelly part of the science with preschoolers philosophy. So first I will tell you how I came up with the idea to do the experiment in the first place. It was random. Actually, it was because the theme for the day with Experience Early Learning with Mother Goose Time was to learn about eggs. So we went over the fact that there are different animals besides chickens who lay eggs, and we were able to watch a video on Youtube about ostrich eggs to show them how big they were. After showing them how big the ostrich eggs were I decided-oh a whim mind you- that we should do a project to show what was inside the egg that we were talking about. We ended up doing the naked egg experiment and it was a huge huge hit! The naked Egg experiment involves putting an egg in vinegar and watching the vinegar dissolve the egg shell. This leaves you with the inside of the egg. It is gross, it's preschool! We also read the recommended book called First the Egg. You can find it on Amazon. It is adorable and fun to read. It was one of the books that led to questions about other animals that lay eggs and if their eggs look like chicken eggs. Well that is all for this post I will be posting about the rest of the month that was super super busy this week! Thanks for reading and as always... Live long and Keep Teaching! Ms. Tessie |
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